Creating Members
Access Parkour has become a CIC. A not-for-profit company. These changes promise to change the way Access Parkour can function. Letting us apply for funding and raise money. It also means that it is now governed by a Board of Directors. This is Hedge, Adam and Gordon right now, but in the future it could look totally different. The job of the Board is to provide what’s called the ‘strategic direction’. That means they are involved in big decisions, like new spaces and hiring decisions, but leave day to day operation to an executive team that we appoint.
The Board is usually then held to account by the ‘Members’. Anyone employed by the company will have the opportunity to become a Member, but we’ll also be inviting people to become ‘Community Members’.
A Community Member is anyone who wants to support Access Parkour and have a small say in how it runs, regardless if you come to classes or not.
Community Memberships come in two styles:
All Access Member is the equivalent of our class membership. You’ll be entitled to attend all of Access Parkour’s classes for free. You can use this yourself or for one of your children.
Supporting Member is for former students, supportive parents or just anyone who likes what we do. Supporting members don’t get free classes, but do get invited to all member functions.
Applying to be a Member
There is a short application process to become a member. This is mostly a formality, but it gives the Board a degree of control of the process. You are asked to fill in a short form.
Send completed forms to
Applications will be considered by the Board and we will either reply with questions or send you details to begin a direct debit. Your membership will then begin as soon as the first payment leaves your account.
The Costs of being a Member
All Access Membership costs £100 a month or £1000 per year
Supporting Membership costs £40 per month or £400 per year.
Access Parkour relies on a sliding scale model to charge people and all applications allow you to apply for a discounted rate of membership. You can apply to pay any amount. We consider all applications.
The Perks of being a Member
Members main benefit is supporting a not-for-profit and its work, however, they will also be invited to the Annual General Meeting, receive quarterly updates from the Board and there will be a communications channel for all Members to ask questions, get instant feedback or just build community.
Why £40?
£40 is the approximate amount it costs to organise and deliver a one hour parkour class. That means that each Supporting Membership allows us to deliver one more hour of parkour per month. However, this is simply a recommended amount and we expect many people to pay discounted memberships based on what they can afford. Applying for a discount is incredibly easy and all applications are considered.